Welcome to the People's Union of Kelowna-Lake Country!

I’m excited to welcome you to the People’s Union of Kelowna-Lake Country, within the territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation.

So, what does the People’s Union mean for you? The Union was created to provide a way for people who support freedom to find each other and start building meaningful connections.

Many of us have been trying to navigate the increasingly authoritarian policies being handed out by the federal and provincial governments over the past few years. And it’s been easy to lose hope in all the turmoil.

But there is another way. What if we turned the tables and started directing our own communities, and creating the world that we want to live in? A world that’s based on personal freedom and respect for all life on the planet.

I have no doubt that we’re all capable of finding solutions to the challenges we’re facing today, both individually and as a collective. Personally, I believe the secret is to start working together, without the interference of over-reaching governments.

And that’s what the People’s Union aims to support – the creation of decentralized, community-driven systems that work for everyone involved. Now that you’ve joined the Union, feel free to get in touch and let me know what your vision is for our region, and if there’s any way I can help connect you with the resources to make it happen.

Zoe Blarowski

Please contact me using the form below if you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you!