We are fortunate to be together in an area with stunning natural beauty; the wonders of forested mountains, pristine rivers, and sandy beaches, all in one small area, are a rarity to behold, and food for the soul. 

I am thrilled to be a part of connecting our growing community of free individuals and am here to help support your goals for our district. I have a strong interest in home health remedies, herbalism, permaculture, writing, and living a balanced, harmonious life. 

I hold a vision of a future world made up of communities living together in peace, abundance, and love. This is more readily obtained than it might appear at first glance. We first need to slough off the old paradigm so we can recognize our individual sovereignty, and step into our power. 

We have reached a defining moment in history, where we can take charge of our lives and our reality, and together, truly manifest positive change. 

My awakening began late 2012, and the process was so profound that I had to write about it, in the chance that it could help others along their journey. The book is freely available at www.earthfriendlylife.net